In the event that you aren't really tech-savvy or if you have never managed a server, you may have some difficulties in certain situations when you must manage a virtual or a dedicated hosting server. Since every standalone hosting server has its own Operating System and various apps and processes working, you shall most likely run into different problems such as a frozen process or one that is loading the hosting server tremendously. With a shared internet hosting account all of these things are managed by the service provider, but this is not the case if you use a server of your own, thus you have to resolve the difficulties yourself. In case you do not have the abilities or the time to handle this kind of matters, you could consider the Managed Services upgrade which we offer. Amongst other things, it includes 24/7 monitoring of your server and the processes functioning on it, so if anything happens, our administrators can easily resolve the problem and reboot the machine in order to recover its proper operation.

Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers

It'll take you several mouse clicks to include the Managed Services package to the dedicated server plan which you have selected and our seasoned group of admins will begin monitoring the machine closely to ensure that it is up and running correctly at all times. Numerous automated checks will also be added, so they will be aware of any problem the second it appears. High Processor load, an application using an excessive amount of memory or a system process which has stopped responding are simply a few examples of the issues which we can keep an eye for and deal with once the cause for their appearance is determined. When necessary, the dedicated server will also be rebooted, so you will not have to do anything on your end. With this service you'll not need to pay to third-party monitoring firms that can only inform you if anything goes wrong but don't have the access to fix a problem.